Saturday, June 2, 2007

Hodgepodge of Fun

Some thoughts came to me today. Some very deep thoughts about life.

Like today, I was driving down Fresno Street (in Fresno, CA) and saw a bank, who's name was Rabobank.
On first sight, however, it looked like Robobank. I thought of RoboTellers, RoboLenders, and RoboATMs. Then, my mind drifted to the Saturday Night Live Commercial where a man is selling robot insurance to a group of senior citizens. His voice warns potential victims of the cold, steel arms that could attack them when they least expect it. I'm scared.

I also saw the video for the winner of the German version of American Idol, A.K.A. Deutschland Sucht den Superstar (Germany Seeks the SuperStar). His name is Mark, and he did what no man I know has ever done: Grown a goatee and a flavor-saver patch-like thing at the same time, grown out the flavor-saver patch to, say, four inches, and given it blond highlights. Brilliant. I would like to know what the ladies out there have to say about this feat of cosmetology.

I also discovered that the secret ingredient is love--and butter.

For those of you who would like to view the flavor-saver-like thing in all its glory, here is the very long link to it. Please enjoy in moderation.