Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I now present to you, after a long delay, a new entry with a new feature:

Random Love From The Chad

Here are some things that I have learned since I have been here in the Deep South:

The Deep South isn't really Southern. If you'll notice on a globe, it's actually in the Northern Hemisphere, along with Mexico, America, America Jr., and Rand McNally.

The Deep South is, however, deep. Deep Fried. Mmmm Mmmm Good. I went to my first Southern BBQ place yesterday and I have to tell you, I mean y'all, that it is delicious.

Humidity also isn't that bad. To give a comparison, it's less pleasant than a John Tesh concert, but more so than a trip to the dentist.

People do have accents here. Southern ones, too. But it seems like each person has their own accent, some have the deep throaty drawl (like they just got up), some have the chain smoker goodness, while others have the I-can-rastle-an-alligator slurr. The latter category is the funnest.

Soylent green is actually people mixed with soy. Hence the name and the bad taste.

Great Britain doesn't actually exist. Whenever you see it, go there, or think about it, you're really dealing with the same studio in Idaho where they faked the Moon Landing 38 years ago this Saturday. Why else would the flag be waving, hmmm?

Cheese and wine, not peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, get better with age.

π is equal to 3.14. You will never need to know the rest of the number.

And here's a picture of something you may enjoy. I certainly know I do:

1 comment:

Nama said...

i heart peanuts.