I am sitting in Las Vegas's McCarran Airport with an ETA 12 hours later than what I originally expected. With a free night in a Super 8 motel, $10 of meal vouchers left, and a free flight anywhere in the lower 48 states. Ah, I love flight cancellations and overbooked flights. And I love free wireless connections in the airport peppered with a very jetlagged and sleep-deprived the Chad.
I am back in my beloved Western United States. "East is least, West is best" is what I remind myself everyday on the East Coast.
You know what the greatest thing is about the West? It's not the people (people are equally cool everywhere, just in a different way). It's not the food (same everywhere, though with Carl's Junior and Rally's and Dreyer's). It's not the climate (though I really like the climate in the West better).
It's the lack of trees.
I know, I am officially evil.
I like trees. I like how they provide shade.
But all things in moderation. I mean, they're everywhere in Florida. And they make everything dark. And you can't see far into them.
So what do they have to hide?
I'm suspicious.
So I am reminded of Lord of the Rings and Saruman, who felled many a tree, and the orks and Uruk-hai, who shouted his name, encouraging deforestation.
So I shout with my Middle Earth brethren:
Saruman! Saruman! Saruman!