Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008, Why Can't You be More Like 2005?

So 2007 has come and gone. This leaves us with a bittersweet feeling.
And a feeling of ANGER at what we haven't accomplished.

In 2001: A Space Odyssey, I was promised space flights, aliens, and computers that sang songs about daisies to me.
But where's my diasy song? It's 2008 for goodness sake.

Here's a list of what SHOULD be here but isn't:
Flying Cars
Aliens (the Friendly Kind)
Cure for Cancer
Human Clones
Cities on the Moon
Good-tasting Olives
Ray Guns
Robots (both deadly and friendly- take your pick)

There are numerous things we do have but were never predicted, like the internet.

But where's my song about daisies?


kat said...

i watched part of the "twilight zone" marathon yesterday and i just have to ask, where's the world of pig people who think they are beautiful and pretty people are ugly?

Nama said...

oh! and there's that one twilight zone where the earth's getting warmer and warmer and everybody's fleeing to the north and the chick gets all hot and passes out and only then do we find out that it's the opposite: the earth's getting colder and everybody's fleeing to the south.

yeah...don't want that to happen.

Ryan Gilbert said...

Dude, when I was in high school there was this free program you could download called bonzi-buddy or something where a monkey would say whatever you typed in that strange computer voice. The good part is, he only sang one song: "Bicycle Built for Two." Which we all know starts with these two words: "Daisy, Daisy..." It's here, man.